Octane Construction commits to combatting Domestic Abuse through the Yorkshire Business Charter

At Octane Construction, we’re more than just a building company; we’re a community. As part of our commitment to the well-being of our community, we are proud to announce our recent signing of the Yorkshire Business Charter on Domestic Abuse. Understanding that domestic abuse affects not only individuals but also workplaces, we are taking proactive steps to ensure our team has the support and resources they need.


Understanding the Impact

The statistics are startling—1 in 5 men and women experience some form of domestic abuse according to the Office for National Statistics. This means that in any workplace, including ours, there are likely people who are silently struggling with these issues. The impact of domestic abuse is profound, affecting individuals’ well-being, their ability to work, and their overall safety.


Our Pledge for Change

Earlier this year, we embarked on a journey to not only understand this pervasive issue but also to create a safe space within our company. We hosted a training workshop that brought our team together to discuss and learn about the nuances of domestic abuse, its signs, and how to support someone facing such challenges. The workshop was an eye-opener for many and reinforced our commitment to fostering a supportive workplace.



The Five Commitments of the Charter

By signing the Yorkshire Business Charter on Domestic Abuse, Octane Construction has committed to the following principles:


  1. Domestic Abuse Awareness:

    All staff have participated in training to increase their understanding of domestic abuse. We are committed to ongoing education and awareness efforts to keep this knowledge fresh and actionable.


  1. Effective Response:

    We have established clear protocols to offer support to colleagues and clients affected by domestic abuse. Our management team is trained to handle disclosures sensitively and confidentially, ensuring those impacted receive the help they need.


  1. Safe Spaces:

    We provide safe spaces at our offices where employees can seek help and speak freely about their situations without fear of judgment or retaliation.


  1. Challenge Attitudes and Beliefs:

    We actively challenge sexist remarks, misogynistic attitudes, and any form of discrimination that may contribute to a culture where abuse might go unaddressed.


  1. Visible Support:

    Signs and posters are visible around our sites and offices, providing information and showing our commitment to fighting domestic abuse. We want everyone who walks through our doors—staff, clients, and visitors alike—to know that Octane Construction stands against domestic abuse and supports those affected.



Moving Forward Together

The cost of domestic abuse to businesses in England and Wales is estimated at £14 billion a year, mainly due to lost productivity. But beyond the financial impact, the human cost is much greater. By addressing this issue head-on, we’re not just improving our workplace; we’re taking a stand for the welfare of our community.

Octane Construction is dedicated to continuing our work with the Yorkshire Business Charter on Domestic Abuse and other organsations committed to this cause. We believe that by raising awareness and providing support, we can make a real difference in the lives of those affected by domestic abuse.

We encourage other businesses to join us in this important initiative.

Together, we can break the silence around domestic abuse and create safer, more supportive environments for everyone.


If you want to find out more please head over to Ros Jones’ Business Wellbeing Club as she is the founder of this Yorkshire Business Charter – and if you are really interested then they are running an event later in the year – see below!

Business Charter on Domestic Abuse